Welcome to the World of Our Four Fantastic Pigs

Still Growing

on June 27, 2010

Ok. So, I’m still not crawling yet. But I am a champ at army crawling my way across any floor. i am still growing too, which means that I am almost as big as Emmett now. He just weighed in at 24 pounds at his 18 month doctor’s visit and Mom thinks that I am probably close to 20 pounds.

I am starting to mimic everything that Emmett does. If he makes a funny sound, I make the same funny sound; if he shakes his head, I shake my head. He thinks its hilarious. And I have a great time playing with him. So it’s a win-win for everyone.

I am more mobile that you’d think, though, given that I am not yet crawling. I roll everywhere. I can open and close doors (as long as they aren’t closed all the way). And I am a big fan of wedging myself into really small places. I always end up under the stoller when I play in our entryway. (Dad jokes that I am changing the oil on it.)

I am also trying to get the doggies to play with me. I think Tally prefers that I roll, as opposed to walking or crawling, so she’s not as surprised by my approach. This means that she stays still (sometimes) for me to pet her. She’s super soft.

Dad has taken to putting me into a baby-backpack and walking around with Emmett and I. Emmett is on the ground, of course. But I like this because I’m up high and there’s a sun shade on the backpack so I can keep from getting burned. Dad says pretty soon we’re going to head up to the mountains and really go hiking. That should be great because it is way too hot at home. I cry when we go in the stroller because I am missing my air conditioning…

Anyway, I’ll check back in in another few weeks.

Take care,

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