It turns out that I am a fairly determined little boy. Determined to get my way, I mean. Mom and Dad aren’t sure if it is something that I recently learned from Emmett or if it is just a part of who I am, but when I want something, I am not to be easily deterred.
Unlike Emmett, who, for the most part, can be pacified with another toy when he can’t get to something like the cordless phone or a Blackberry, if Mom or Dad won’t let me have those things, I throw quite the tantrum. I arch my back and throw my head back, which is never a good thing given its size and the momentum it can generate. I can go on crying for 20 or 30 minutes, well past when one would imagine my single-mindedness would wear off.
But no, 30 minutes later, if you give me what I want, I will calm down. And right away too. In mid-wail, even.
You may think that this is not an attractive quality, but just wait. Once I get older, this characteristic will no longer be associated with a tantrum. People will call me determined. I will be capable and smart and successful because of it. You just wait and see.
Riley out.
Ps. We had Aunt Ashley, Uncle Steve, cousin Ellie, and Grandpa Bob over for Thanksgiving yesterday. It was really great to hang out with everyone. We tried to take pictures with Grandpa and the grandkids. I posted the shots. See if you can figure out who refuses to stay put for the picture. One hint: His name starts with an Emm- and ends with an -ett.
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