We’ve had the high of winter break and the holidays, and now we are in the doldrums of mid-winter. Short days, long weeks. We are all running on empty but still doing our best! It’s been frigid here lately, and the inability to get out adds to an overall feeling of malaise. But things are looking up. It’s warmed a bit, the long weekend of President’s Day is upon us. Although we have sleeping in and skiing planned, we are still keeping our eyes on Spring Break.
Here’s a roundup of what’s happened since we last checked in:
We celebrated Hanukkah and Christmas with great aplomb. We got into the spirits of the holidays with seasonal movies including Spirited, Die Hard, and the like. We decorated a very small, live holiday tree with lights with the intention of planting it come January. It matched the lights Dad put on the house and trees outside. When the holidays finally rolled around, gifts and treats were had by all and we have the pictures to prove it. Everyone got Lego builds, new tech, and small gadgets. Everyone received a gift that keeps on giving: Tessa, a plant subscription; Asher, a drone; Emmett, a subscription to Master Class; and Riley, new work out equipment. As always, the candy was a bit hit too.
New Year’s was low key with good food and movies and the annual Silly String War. This year we had confetti cannons too! (Those piece of confetti might be in the yard until the end of time.) After that but before school was back in session, we skied, tackled some escape rooms, and went to see the lights at two different botanic gardens. Every year, the holidays seem to pass in more of a blur as if time is speeding up. The good news, however, is that most of us were excited to see friends again at school. But not everything after the holidays centered on academics.
Tessa turned 14! We can’t believe little T is so, so old. We celebrated all things T for the entire week, as her birthday fell on a school day. She got cake and ice cream twice, as well as gifts from friends and family. Her oversized hoodie collection quadrupled, which is good since she was wearing that one hoodie from Maine quite a lot.
Back at school, Emmett jumped into the High School Musical (he’s one of the students in Matilda), and Asher’s back in Dungeons and Dragons club as well as a Games club. Riley and Tessa are taking a break from clubs this quarter, but Riley is now climbing on a local rock climbing team. In addition to extracurriculars, both Emmett and Riley are chipping away at their driving requirements to get their licenses. Each are doing very well.
Coming up we have our school experientials: Think taking a trip with classmates and teachers. Tessa’s going to swim with manatees in Florida, Riley is mountain biking with friends, Emmett is going to Washington DC (again), and Asher will be headed to Florissant for a science camp. Then, we have spring break. Check back in for updates on all of that traveling!
The Pigs
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