Welcome to the World of Our Four Fantastic Pigs

I’m Walking! And Other Tidbits….

I decided to take the plunge and start walking. Right after I blogged last time, I figured that I should just let Mom and Dad see that I really can walk. And guess what? They were so excited! It was very rewarding just to see how excited that they were. Everyone was there and everyone started clapping. It was great. Even Emmett started clapping for me. (I clapped too, I have to admit. I was very proud of myself.) Then Emmett came over and gave me a hug. So nice!

Well, since then I’ve taken LOTS of falls. I’m not super coordinated, but I am very determined. It’s not too big of a deal if I fall, except when it’s outside on the sidewalk. I did that yesterday. We went for a walk with everyone for Mother’s Day and I fell. But don’t worry! My face broke the fall. I split my lip and my gums. My upper lip swelled up so big that it was hard for me to suck on my sippy cup. But, oh well. Daddy said I had to walk it off. And I tried. But then I decided that snuggling it off was a better idea. And Mom helped me with that.

There are some other interesting goings-on here. Emmett and I moved into the same room together. So now we are roommates! That first night was so great. It was like a slumber party. We laughed and yelled and squealed and threw stuffed animals. Only after a few hours of that did we decide to try to get to sleep. That next morning wasn’t so great. I was really tired. This happened again the next night too. Then today, Mom and Dad went to the store to buy what they called blackout curtains. I’m not sure what they are but Mom and Dad said that maybe we’d go to bed earlier and stay asleep later if the sun wasn’t coming into our room. We’ll see if that works.

I’m really picking up sign language with Emmett and also verbal language. I like to help Emmett with his words since he’s a bit shy with them. Mom and Dad will ask Emmett to say something and if he doesn’t say it right away, I’ll step in and say it for him. They always thank me, so I know that they are happy that I am helping.

It’s getting to be really nice outside, so we are spending more time in the backyard. We like to play with bubbles (Dad got us a lawnmower that spits out bubbles!) and also dirt. Emmett even jumped into the pond. Maybe that’s why Mom and Dad are filling it in with cobblestone next week. Maybe not. Who knows…

Anyway, we helped Mom to have a great Mother’s Day and I am so looking forward to Daddy having some time off from work and school so that we can all work in the yard together.

I’ll let you know how that goes,

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Mom’s Plan Seems to be Working…

I’m not sure if I’ve told you about this yet, but I am kind of addicted to the television. I throw huge temper tantrums when the TV is off and I can’t get someone to turn it on. This went on for a good while before I heard Mom tell Dad that she was going to give in. At first, Dad told me that he wouldn’t negotiate with terrorists. I kind of think that he was referring to the fact that when I didn’t get my way I would push Riley over or hit him on the head or steal his pacifier. But after a while of that, Mom said that this was not a fight that anyone was going to win, so she started turning on the television whenever I wanted her to. And I mean whenever…

First thing in the morning, I would run over the TV, tap the screen, and say ‘this! this!’ And she’d turn it on. After one movie was over, I’d go downstairs and throw a tantrum because the TV down there was off. And guess what? She’d turn that one on too! This went on for almost a month. I only had a few things that I watched-Monsters vs Aliens (an oldie but goodie), Finding Nemo, and Cars. But I loved them all and since I felt that I had really outgrown Dora and Diego, it was movies for me.

But once I’d seen each movie about a gazillion times, something happened. I didn’t ask to have the TV turned on so much. And when it was on, I would no longer stare at it like a thirsty man seeing water for the first time. I’d wander away and play with something in my room or in the library. When I realized that the movie was still on, I’d run into the TV room and the movie would be over. And that was just OK with me. So now, I have a more limited amount of television each day and it’s working well for everyone.

I heard Mom say that she was hoping that if I was able to watch my movies all the time then I would get sick of them. I guess it worked. Don’t tell her that, though.

Although maybe she should feel good about it, as this is one hurdle down and only a gazillion more to go.

Emmett out.

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I have a secret…

Don’t tell Mom and Dad but I can secretly walk already. I have total control and strength when I walk assisted. Even if I only have one hand of held, I am great. No problems. But when you let go of my hand or when I let go of my walker, its like I am a newborn giraffe. Collapse right to the floor. So Mom and Dad think that its a confidence thing. But what I’m not telling them is that I can already walk when they aren’t looking. I just want them to think I need their help. It makes them feel needed.

So, I’m thinking that I will start taking some steps without their assistance pretty soon. Like within a couple of weeks. I’ll give them a little more time thinking that I am still the baby. But after that-watch out! I will be forever on the go.

Other things I’m up to now: I still copy everything that Emmett does. He makes up words for things and I say those words. I will repeat what he says instead of saying the real word for something. I copy the sign language he uses. Its nice that we are both on the same page with that. It’d be awfully confusing if we were using two different words (or signs) for the same thing.

I’ve got some new things that I do in my carseat. I like to try to hold Emmett’s hand when we are in the car. We sit right next to each other now and I like to reach out and grab his hand. He giggles, but we both think its nice. I also will help Mom and Dad with Tessa while we are driving. They are all the way in the front seat, so I like to make sure that Tessa has her pacifier. I will even taste it to make sure that there’s nothing wrong with it and then I will give it right back to her. When she has a blanket on, I like to take it off because that would totally make me overheat so I’m sure that Tessa doesn’t like that either. All helpful things.

Maybe by my next post I’ll let the cat out-of-the-bag about the walking thing. I’ll gauge it by what Mom and Dad do. We’ll see…


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Already Two Months Old!

I can’t believe that I am already two months old! Wow. Has time gone by fast…

I guess it could be that I am primarily eating and sleeping. Sleeping a lot. That makes time fly. But I’m up more now throughout the day. I smile at Mom and Dad a ton. I am very smiley. I do this thing where it seems like I’m giggling-huge grin, shoulder come up, and eyes get wide-but no sound yet. I’m mostly cooing and squealing. No real crying still. I’m easy that way.

Still eating like a champ. I went in for my two month pediatrician check up and I weight almost 12 pounds! The doctor said, when he saw how much I weight, that I am very healthy. Also, that I am already advanced for my tender age. He said that I am more aware than almost all of the two-month-olds that he’s seen. I was smiling at him and following his movements as he moved throughout the examination room.

He was, shall I say, smitten. He was in full-smit with me. When he was done and left the room, Mom and I heard him talking to someone right outside in the hall and he was saying how special I am. Well, gosh. I could have told you that! Anyway, he wasn’t the only one. The nurse that took my temperature and measurements asked to hold me. I was sans diaper and she said that she wouldn’t even mind if I peed on her just then. (Like I would be that rude.)

So, Mom posted pics of my first bath (taken a good while ago). You should check them out. You can see my little cannonball tummy in them…

I’ll let you know if anything new comes up. But for now, I’m still wonderful and cute and mellow.

Take care,

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A list of stuff I like…

* I love to gallop. I gallop everywhere. I don’t run. I gallop.
* Since I’m not too keen on talking, I like to make up sign language signs for stuff. I made up my own sign for “toothbrush” and for “bubbles.” You know, important stuff.
* I LOVE bubbles. Can’t get enough. I ask for bubbles with breakfast, in the tub at night, and all hours in between.
* I can’t get enough of the television. More specifically, the movie Finding Nemo. Mom and Dad decided that keeping me away from the television was not a battle that they were going to fight. And since if I don’t get to watch Nemo when I ask for it, I throw tantrum of historic proportions, I watch it a lot…
* I’ve become a shy-guy. I don’t like for people to watch me do stuff. So when we are supposed to demonstrate something at the Little Gym, I wait until everyone else has gone. That way if I’m the last person then not as many people are watching.
* I have a few, new favorite books. I really like Cinderella and The Three Little Pigs. I don’t always want the entire book to be read to me, and sometimes I thumb through the pages and read the book to myself.
* I like to be wrapped up in a super soft blanket and snuggled before bed.
* I still love to be outside. I am totally in my element in our backyard. Going outside can even pacify me if Mom or Dad won’t turn on Nemo. And that’s saying something…
* I like to chase Riley around the house. He’s not walking yet, but he can cruise with the help of his walker. So I will chase him around, and then he’ll chase me. It’s great.
* I like to have my bunny give people kisses.

Life is good.


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I Make My Debut…

Hello World!

This past month has been super exciting. First off, I was born! I was a week late, just like Riley, but Mom and Dad think that it was worth the wait. (Of course.) I met my brothers right away, and I can already tell that I am going to have my hands full keeping them in line. Especially that Emmett.

Everyone who has come to visit has brought me something pink. The house is full of tiny pink things. Pink sleepers. Pink blankets. Even a pink elephant, which I was told is good luck. I think that this is a scheme to give me things that my brothers won’t want to take away from me. But maybe its just that everyone is so happy for Mom and Dad that they don’t have three little boys under the age of 26 months. I’m not quite sure…

After months and months of kicking and punching, it turns out that I am very calm and a wonderful sleeper. Who knew? For a girl, I am decidedly low maintenance. All I require is a dry diaper, a full bottle, and a snuggle. I don’t hear anyone complaining about it so I must be doing something right. I have a few hours every night where I fuss if I am not being held. But no crying and no screaming. And I am a great sleeper.

And, just like my brothers, I can chug like I’m practicing for college. I have already gained around 2 pounds, averaging about an ounce a day, and its no wonder at the rate that I eat. I have to start now because when I get older and we are all sitting around the kitchen table eating dinner, I will have to strap on the feedbag if I want to get anything down before Emmett and Riley get to it.

Finally, I am super aware and observant for a one month old. When I am awake I sit quietly and just check things out. I turn my head when I hear Mom’s voice and I smile at her when she talks to me. I watch Dad as he coos at me. I like to stare at my stuffed animals. I like to stare out the window. Just checking things out…

Mom likes to say that the universe knew that a fussy baby would put her over the edge when added to two already crazy boys. Dad likes to say that I am easy now because the universe knows how hard I will be once I hit thirteen. Who’s right? Who knows. But I do know that I am loved and nothing can be better than that.

Take care,

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I LOVE Tessa

It took less than a week for me to decide that Tessa is my new favorite toy. I can’t get enough of her.

When I hear her cry, I say her name and point to where she is. When she is on her play-mat on the floor, I crawl over to her at warp speed and I give her kisses. Even if I have my pacifier in my mouth, I will give her pacifier kisses.

I like to point out her eyes and her ears. And I giggle when I hold her little hands.

I will actually wrestle with Mom to get to Tessa. She will try to keep me from putting my fingers in Tessa’s eyes and I will cry and flail my arms and shake my head until I can get to my little sister.

Emmett’s interest in the baby has waned. He likes to help with her. Get her a pacifier or her bottle. But he’s not as eager to give her kisses or to try to play with her as before. Maybe when she gets a bit older and can play back… But he still loves her. I can tell.

Check back next month when I talk more about how much I love animal crackers, walking with my walker, and talking.


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I have a new little sister?

I would love to say that I am super excited to announce that I have a new little sister… But, to be honest, I am kind of wary of this entire situation. Her name is Tessa Kate and she was born on January 30th, which was only 7 days past her due date. She was 7 pounds 7 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long at birth. A good size little girl… She’s a good eater and sleeper, so Mom and Dad are happy about that. Emmett loves her. Loves to sit and stare at her. Tries to pet her and give her kisses. But I’m not so sure about her.

I admit, I like to smack her. But that isn’t just a thing with Tessa. I smack everyone. It’s great fun. But because she so little, I guess, Mom and Dad don’t want me to smack her. They are trying to teach me the word “gentle” and to not hit her. But really, is this necessary? Shouldn’t she just toughen up? I’m helping her, as I see it. She’ll thank me when she’s a bit older and not such a whiner. (Says the little boy who cries whenever his mom puts him down. Anyway, I’m sure we’ll get to be great friends. She is very cute, I have to say.

On another note, I am so close to walking I can almost taste it! I have been furniture surfing and now I push things around and kind of use them as walkers. Just a few more weeks, maybe, and then I’ll have the strength and coordination to do it without any help! Until then, I crawl mostly on carpet and army crawl on hard floors. I go up stairs and down them. I’m very mobile. Don’t you worry about me…

I’m really quick with language too. I say lots of things. Mostly I am a good repeater, but I do use a bunch of words regularly too. Like doggie. And more. And done. And I like to make sound effect noises and to sing too. I really am a little ham. But in a good way.

So, check back in in a few weeks and I’ll let you know how this having-a-little-sister-thing goes. I’m not excited about sharing Mom and Dad with her. Mostly Mom. But maybe this will be good for me, as I am not a great sharer of anything just yet.

Check out the new pictures we uploaded. There are some really good ones of Emmett and I at the Little Gym and of all of us with Tessa.
Talk soon,


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Christmas and New Year’s

Christmas was great for me. I got to play with a ton of tissue paper, which I loved. I would pull the tissue paper out of a gift bag, not so interested in the gift, and then I would flap the paper up and down, all the while giggling almost uncontrollably. Then, I would cover my face with the tissue paper, laughing until I ripped the paper off of my head. It was amazing. Mom and Dad will post pictures soon. Not too many good ones came out, but there are a few of Emmett and I opening presents…

I got some good things for Christmas, but I don’t think that, with the exception of the our new art table, I really have played with anything the way that I played with the tissue paper. My new books are good, but I’m not really a reader yet. Emmett will ask to be read specific books and then he’ll read then to himself. Or, he’ll pretend like he can read and just talk to himself and turn the pages. I mostly like to turn the pages and rip them, if I can. This means that I am not allowed to play with anything other than board books right now. Too much destruction.

I am furniture surfing and walking while pushing things. So exciting! Soon I will be walking without any help and Mom and Dad will be so happy! I am still an army crawler. Its not that I can crawl conventionally, but I prefer army crawling. Mom has a theory about that. She thinks that regular crawling is hard on the knees, especially on our hard wood floor. This makes sense, as I do more regular crawling on the carpet upstairs and in the basement. But as it doesn’t really matter, I think that I’ll just concentrate on standing and walking and go from there….

New Year’s Eve was fun. Pizzas, a small snippet of a movie, bath and bed.  A perfect night.

Happy New Year’s to everyone! I can’t wait to see what this year brings. I know one thing that’s coming: Next time we chat I’ll have a little sister (or brother!)…


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Things are Good

This is the best time of year. I get to see all of my favorite people all the time, it seems. There’s my birthday in October, then Thanksgiving, Emmett’s birthday, Hanukkah, Christmas–and that’s just the start. They come over and play with me and give me presents and love.

I had a ton of fun at Emmett’s birthday. First, he got a slide from Mom and Dad. And the box was just as much fun as the slide itself. But since I’m really getting the hang of climbing up things, the slide is fun because I get to show off this skill. The box is great fun, except when Emmett sits on the open end and traps me in there. That was not so good.

After presents and cake, we went to a light display at a local wildlife museum. We saw Santa, reindeer, and lots and lots of lights. It was great because Grandpa Bob, Grandma Cheryl, Aunt Ashley and Ann came. I’m not quite as shy with new people as Emmett is, but these are most of the people that I like to spend my time with.

Mom and Dad have taken to calling me the “Stage 5 Clinger.” Once I get a hold of Mom, I won’t let go. I hold on like a spider monkey. And when Mom tries to pass me off to someone else, I cry and cry and cry. Usually its only food or Mom (and not necessarily in that order) that will get me to stop.

Next time, I’ll post pictures of Christmas and Emmett and I at our gym classes. They will be wonderful, I promise.

Have Great New Year!

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