Just in case you haven’t seen the most recent pictures posted, I’m here to tell you that Emmett and I love to paint. And color with chalk. And we also love to taste the paint and the chalk. But-here’s the kicker-we only love to color and to paint on the side of the house. It’s a good thing that Mom and Dad really trust the “washable” claims of the Crayola color people. Because we have graffitied the side of the house in really, really bright pink paint. And, so far, the rains haven’t washed it off. The chalk, yes. The paint, not so much. But stay tuned. Anything can happen.
We both love to copy one another. So, in a bad example, when Emmett is mad-he hits me. And so I learned that when I am mad, I hit Tessa. But, in a good example, I learned that when I am going to get something for myself-for example, my cup of milk-I should bring one back for Emmett, first. And he has learned that asking things with his voice-and not sign language-sometimes pays off a bit faster. We mimic one another, too. If Emmett turns around in a circle, I try it. And if I get a graham cracker from Mom or Dad and sit on the floor with it, Emmett does the same thing. Mom and Dad think that when we are doing something good, it is very cute. When we are doing something not-so-good, they think that maybe spacing us farther apart would have been a good idea.
As for me, I do this thing where, when Mom and Dad come into our room in the morning, I stand up in my crib, I take my cup of milk, and I watch Emmett getting dressed. But as soon as they turn to me to get me out of my crib, I dive onto the sheets, turn over onto my side with my bunny, and pretend to be asleep. It’s pretty funny.
Emmett, on the other hand, has turned into a real helper. He gets me my pacifiers, he likes to pick out my clothes in the morning, and he dresses me for walks. He makes sure that I have my hat, my shoes, and regardless of the weather he makes sure that I am wearing my coat. He isn’t really helping Tessa with stuff yet. He’s still getting used to her. He likes her but isn’t sure she’s really playground material yet.
We both love songs: The Wheels on the Bus, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Twinkle Twinkle are our favorites. We like to spin around in circles or wave our hands and jump around when we sing. When it comes to modern music, Emmett prefers Deep Forest (he laughs super hard to the first song on the CD we have, although no one is sure exactly why) and I like-for better or for worse-80s hair bands. Cheap Trick came on the radio and I started clapping and dancing in my car seat. Mom and Dad are trying to steer me in another direction but I don’t like to be told what to do, so it isn’t really working so much.
Anyway, that’s it for today.
See you soon,