I love drawing on the chalk board. Our friend, Ann, got us a chalk board for the birthday/holiday season and I just started to draw on it. Before I was mostly eating the chalk. But now, I am working on my shapes. I draw a perfect square, and then I say “skare.” Mom and Dad are very proud of me when I do this. I am also working on the first letter of my name, E. I draw the line down, and I say “down.” Then I draw three lines across, and I say, “aposs, aposs, aposs.” I am old-hat at circles, so I just draw those for fun.
We took swim lessons this month. (Mom got some flak about that from friends. Starting swimming in January in Colorado…) Anyway, I liked it, but mostly I wanted to go play on the water slide and with the water fountains. I was doggie paddling on the first day, and other moms and dads commented that it was very certainly not my first time in the deep end (which it was!). But my paddling was just to try to get me closer to the slide and fountains on the other end of the pool.
Riley and I both got LeapPads for the holidays. They are like iPads, but for kids our age. And I love the Art Studio application on it. I also love the animal flash card application. This is really super fantastic for Mom and Dad because they also loaded Toy Story and Cars eBooks on the LeapPad, and instead of those, I mostly choose the art and the flash card apps.
I am getting ready to wear big boy undies. I am not so fond of diapers anymore, which is a good thing because neither are Mom and Dad. But instead of just getting on with the potty training, I just take my diaper off when I don’t want to be wearing it. Sometimes I throw it down the stairs. This is about the time that Riley tells on me. He runs over to Mom and says, “Emmett poop, down.” We got these great Cars potties that make car noises when you flush them. But I’m not 100% on board with the program yet. Stay tuned.
As always, I love being outside. We went hiking the other day and it was all muddy. At first, I thought that it was fun. But then I got my boot stuck in the mud and I started to walk around the big mud puddles after that. I like going out on the deck and playing with my ride-in car. Also, playing with bubbles outside is still great fun. But now, Mom lets me hold the bubble container and the wand. I learned that if I dump out the bubble container that there are no more bubbles after that. So now I don’t dump it out. Riley still does, though.
Well, it’s not an exhaustive list, but there are some update for my Favorite Things list.
Take care,