Welcome to the World of Our Four Fantastic Pigs

Things I Love: January 2012 Edition

I love drawing on the chalk board. Our friend, Ann, got us a chalk board for the birthday/holiday season and I just started to draw on it. Before I was mostly eating the chalk. But now, I am working on my shapes. I draw a perfect square, and then I say “skare.” Mom and Dad are very proud of me when I do this. I am also working on the first letter of my name, E. I draw the line down, and I say “down.” Then I draw three lines across, and I say, “aposs, aposs, aposs.” I am old-hat at circles, so I just draw those for fun.

We took swim lessons this month. (Mom got some flak about that from friends. Starting swimming in January in Colorado…) Anyway, I liked it, but mostly I wanted to go play on the water slide and with the water fountains. I was doggie paddling on the first day, and other moms and dads commented that it was very certainly not my first time in the deep end (which it was!). But my paddling was just to try to get me closer to the slide and fountains on the other end of the pool.

Riley and I both got LeapPads for the holidays. They are like iPads, but for kids our age. And I love the Art Studio application on it. I also love the animal flash card application. This is really super fantastic for Mom and Dad because they also loaded Toy Story and Cars eBooks on the LeapPad, and instead of those, I mostly choose the art and the flash card apps.

I am getting ready to wear big boy undies. I am not so fond of diapers anymore, which is a good thing because neither are Mom and Dad. But instead of just getting on with the potty training, I just take my diaper off when I don’t want to be wearing it. Sometimes I throw it down the stairs. This is about the time that Riley tells on me. He runs over to Mom and says, “Emmett poop, down.” We got these great Cars potties that make car noises when you flush them. But I’m not 100% on board with the program yet. Stay tuned.

As always, I love being outside. We went hiking the other day and it was all muddy. At first, I thought that it was fun. But then I got my boot stuck in the mud and I started to walk around the big mud puddles after that. I like going out on the deck and playing with my ride-in car. Also, playing with bubbles outside is still great fun. But now, Mom lets me hold the bubble container and the wand. I learned that if I dump out the bubble container that there are no more bubbles after that. So now I don’t dump it out. Riley still does, though.

Well, it’s not an exhaustive list, but there are some update for my Favorite Things list.

Take care,

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On the First Day of Christmas…

The holidays this year were so much fun! For Hanukkah, we learned the prayer and how to light the candles on the menorah. We all wanted to blow out the candles, as if they were on a birthday cake. But after the first night, we caught on to the fact that they are supposed to burn all the way down. And although we kept it pretty low key for all of the holidays, we all loved going over to Pop-pop’s house to open presents and to have Christmas dinner.

Pop-pop gave Emmett a camera, which he is still figuring out how to use. But it’s great because he can take pictures on it, he can review the pictures he’s taken, and he can upload all of the pictures to the computer! So far, he’s mostly taken shots of the floor, so we haven’t uploaded anything. But he’s a really fast learner, and we are all sure that before we know it, he will be giving lessons on how to frame the perfect shot.

Pop-pop gave Riley a huge 4-wheeler. It rumbles, it plays music, it moves. Everyone thinks it’s fantastic. Even our little cousin, Ellie, loved playing with it. And she usually likes shoes and hand bags. That’s how cool it is.

Tessa got some clothes from Pop-pop, which is nice because she’s set up for a lift of hand-me-downs unless her closet is otherwise augmented through gifts.

Mom and Dad got us great stocking stuffers too. We got a Beauty and the Beast book, which Riley and Emmett constantly “take turns” reading. We got a bunch of things that roll or bounce or shake, and Tessa got a teething necklace that both she and Emmett like to chew on. Believe it or not, these little stocking stuffers were almost more of a hit in the house than the big presents were.

But hanging out at Pop-pop’s, helping everyone open their gifts, and eating dinner while watching Beauty and the Beast and Cars 2 on the television was what was the most fun. You can check out the pictures, we all loved the unwrapping (except for Tessa, who just loved the wrapping and tissue paper). And we loved playing with everyone who was there.

Next month, we have Tessa’s first birthday, so there is another present holiday to look forward to. Then, after January, we have a lull in holidays until next October. Mom and Dad were thinking of celebrating Emmett’s half-birthday instead, so we’ll see if that happens. They were also talking about just having one huge party for all three of our birthdays next December… There are a lot of ideas on the table. We’ll see which one works out!

Have a wonderful New Year’s!
Emmett, Riley and Tessa (T-bone)

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My Birthday

So, I was wrong. In my last post, I said that I was over getting presents. That really wasn’t the case at all. When people came over to celebrate my birthday, I loved it! At first, I hid in the basement for a bit, watching a movie that Grandma Cheryl had given me. But then Dad brought me upstairs and I stayed upstairs for the rest of the afternoon playing with everyone.

Riley and I went outside and played in the yard a bit with Dad. But then when we came in, I started getting really excited. When everyone sang to me, I was kind of surprised. I am usually the one doing most of the singing, so when everyone else started, and it was clear that they were singing Happy Birthday to me, I looked around and was so happy! Then I blew out my candle, had a bit of my cheese cake cupcake, and got down to the business of upwrapping my gifts.

Each time I opened a new gift or card, I said “Oh, wow!” or “Oh, cool!” The faces that I made were priceless. Mom and Dad caught some of them on camera, so check out the pictures posted for December. I got a big, wood truck from my girlfriend Nicole, a tracksuit from Pop-pop, light-up race cars from Ann, a floor puzzle from Uncle Tom and Aunt Doris, a generous check from Great Grandma Betty, and Riley and I each got a coloring book and markers and fingerpaints from Grandma Cheryl. Grandma Cheryl also gave me a card that sand the theme song from the movie Cars, and I kept opening it and asking people to dance with me. Once I was all done opening gifts, I went around to each person and said “Kiss?” to thank them.

Then, the next day, I got some wonderful gift from our nanny, Elaine. She got us all a stacking block set that we had demolished a few months back, and also she got me a little computer that teaches me my numbers and how to draw them. So perfect!

Thanks to everyone who made my third birthday so special!


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Still going strong…

I’ve gone from working on walking with stability, to jumping off of the steps, off of the couch, and between pieces of furniture. Although Mom and Dad really wanted me to walk when it was hard for me, now that I am running and jumping and diving, they think that it was maybe easier when I was just crawling. Whereas Emmett will look and assess the situation when he is deciding to do something, I will dive in head-first and hope that there is someone there to catch me.

Speaking of catching, Dad thinks that I have some serious talent when it comes to throwing. I was playing a game with him, where I ran across the room and, when he turned his back to me, I threw a squishy ball at his head. (Believe me, it was fun for him too.) And guess what? I hit him in the head every single time. He said that he couldn’t have done that. I was spot on, without fail. That’s some mad skills…

I just finished an art class, which, frankly, was not my favorite. It was all painting, and I am not really a fan of mess. I didn’t want to get my hands dirty with paint. I only wanted to squeeze the paint out of the containers. So, next month both Emmett and I are going to do swim lessons. First time for both of us, but we love the water, so Mom and Dad are hoping that it goes well since I can be very stubborn when I don’t like something.

In fact, I’ve heard Mom and Dad talk about how Emmett is kind of tough because he has very specific ideas about how things should go. But in reality, I am able to get much more upset and I am less easily distracted when I latch onto an idea. Anyway, I guess it evens out. In the end, we are both super fantastic, so that’s all that matters. Super fantastic.

I like to refer to myself in the third person. Riley’s bunny, I tell people. Or Riley pretzel? when I’m asking for something. I also like to tell on Emmett. Emmett trouble, I say. When people came over for my birthday party, Emmett has just gotten into trouble for smacking me, so I told everyone: Emmett trouble. Emmett hurt Riley. I sometimes like to reiterate how I feel about Emmett’s smelly bunny: Emmett bunny, yuck, I say. Mom’s favorite is when I ask: Mama snuggle Riley? She says it’s very cute.

Talk soon,

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I have made a great transition to pre-school. The day was a bit long for me, at first. So now I am only going for 2 hours a day, instead of 2 hours and 45 minutes. But it is working out nicely and we are all pretty happy with it. I am making lots of cool stuff to put up on the corkboard. I made a bookmark for Mom and Dad yesterday, with my picture and snowflakes and glitter. It was great.

What Mom and Dad love the best about preschool is that it is really helping me develop my language skills and my manners. I am asking for things nicely and saying please. I still use sign language for thank you, but they get the point. I know my entire alphabet and I amaze Mom and Dad by spelling out words that I see during the day. I spelled out, letter by letter, the kind of truck Dad drives: T-U-N-D-R-A. And I said and spelled my own name. I turn 3-years-old next week and already I know my entire alphabet. It’s great! I’m working on my numbers, too. I got most of them down, and I only started practicing last week.

I have a new favorite movie: Beauty and the Beast. I watch and act out my favorite parts. Which is kind of like when I dance for myself in front of the mirror, except I watch the movie and not myself. I like the dramatic parts: All the gasps and sighs. I copy what the characters do on the television. I play all the characters, so I will be acting out the part for Belle and the Beast at the same time. The dancing is great fun too, though. And often I point to Mom when it’s her turn to dance. But mostly, I make someone dance with me during the big dance number in the movie. I will hold someone’s hand, and parade them around the room. And then at the end of the scene, when the characters go outside on the balcony, I will lead my partner into the other room.

Since this is present-season (Riley’s birthday in October, Mine in December, not to mention Hanukkah and Christmas, and Tessa’s birthday in January), I’m kind of over getting gifts and having parties. But next week I turn three, and I am looking forward to seeing Pop-pop and some of my other good friends. I will charm everyone; we will play; it will be great.

I’ll tell you all about it soon,

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Some of My Favorite Things…

I can do a proper crawl these days, but I prefer to army-crawl. It’s just much faster. So, I will crawl from the play table in our library, over to Riley and Emmett’s race track, but then I will army-crawl across the wood floor to the chalk board. Mom still calls me the slither-pig because when I army-crawl, she says I do it seamlessly, slithering across the floor. I can crawl all the way up the stairs-from the basement all the way to our bedrooms. In fact, it is kind of hard to keep me from doing it.

I will eat anything that you put in front of me. I love waffles, most of all. I really only put up with formula these days, but I don’t like it as much as I used to. I get very upset if I don’t have my own sippy cup, the way the boys do. But I’m not really sure how they work yet, so I just hold on and suck on the top of it like it was a bottle.

I am very observant. I understand that if you push a button on the remote, it changes the picture on the television. I play ball, rolling our big, purple ball across the floor with anyone who wants to play.

I am furniture surfing on everything and pulling myself up on everyone. I can balance for a bit between two piece of furniture, but I’m not taking any steps yet without holding on. I like to bounce in our bouncy-house. I think it’s fun when I get into the bouncy-house with Riley and Emmett, but Mom and Dad think it is kind of dangerous.

I do my best to follow the boys around, wherever they go. I want whatever they have. And I work hard to get what I want. I am always trying to take Riley’s bunny and pacifier. But I really don’t care for Emmett’s bunny. I think that it smells bad. I agree with Riley on that one: Yuck.

More to come!

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What A Week!

Riley’s birthday; Halloween; and Emmett’s first day of school… So many things happened this past week, and they all went great!

First, Riley’s birthday… He was very excited for the first time ever to see what was under the wrapping paper. He played a bit with the tissue paper, but not much. He got a Thomas the Train flashlight, and so did Emmett, and they have both been big hits. He also got a chalk board that he draws on, a block-train he disassembles, some books he reads over and over, and some blocks he stacks. All very exciting things. Mom and Dad gave him a race track, and he and Emmett enjoy racing their cars all the way to the end. He asked for doughnuts in lieu of cake. Mom and Dad put a candle on top of an iced star, he blew it out (and theoretically made a wish) and then went to town. The icing got all over his hands, but he ate all but two bites of the doughnut. He loved it! I had fun being played with and cuddled by all of the guests. Mom and Dad have some great pictures of me, Riley, and Emmett before, during, and after the party-so check out what’s posted.

Then came Halloween. Like years past, we went over to Grandpa Bob’s (or Pop-Pop’s) and we hit up the entire cul-de-sac. I was dressed as a kitty cat, Riley was a spotted doggie, and Emmett was Spiderman. I was very excited to go along, as this was my first real Halloween. Next year, I’m hoping to hold a big bag of candy and say trick-or-treat when we go up to everyone’s front door. Since I’m not really walking yet, I just enjoyed being carried by Mom and Dad. The boys, though, did great with taking not one, but two handfuls of candy from every house. When someone wanted to give just one piece of candy to Emmett or Riley, they made it clear that they expected more than that. For the most part, everyone was happy to give them extra candy. Although neither of them said trick-or-treat, they both said ‘hi,’ ‘thank you,’ and ‘bye.’ So some of the nice-ities were observed. The funny thing though was that Emmett didn’t want candy after we’d all come in to check out our haul. He asked for cheese.

Finally, this past Tuesday, the day after Halloween, was Emmett’s first day of school. We were all very excited about it, but – if truth be known – a bit unsure of how things were going to go. When Mom and Dad took him into his class room a bit early so that he could meet the teachers, he wasn’t happy about it at all. He wanted to go in the front door of the school building, not the side door that led directly to the preschool classroom. Also, there were no kids in there yet and everything that Emmett knew about school included the fact that there were a lot of other kids involved. But once Mom and Dad led him through the front door and around the hallway to the preschool classroom, and once the other kids arrived, he fell right into the swing of things. No crying. Just excitement. His teacher said he was the star of song-time and that he was full of big, belly laughs that made the other kids stop to see what was so great. Emmett’s teacher’s exact words were, “he was very charming.” He made an art project that he brought home and put up in the kitchen, and he was excited to do it again the next day…

Except that we had a blizzard and class was cancelled the next day. We have some pictures of the boys playing in the snow with Dad. Hopefully, Mom gets around to posting those too. What’s up with Me? I am staring to furniture surf, and generally pulling myself up on everything. I enjoy copying when someone makes a clucking noise with their tongue. I also will scrunch up my face and snort. This is super cute, I’m told. And it also shows off all of my teeth! My favorite toy to play with is a set of keys, and if someone takes them away from me (usually Riley) I cry until I get them back. Believe me, I know how this works….

Well, next time we blog will be after Thanksgiving. Dad is looking forward to some good time off from his Master’s Program at school and Mom is hoping that the new year brings a bit more calm days for everyone here… Stage 5 Clinger anyone? (Riley you know I’m talking about you!)

Take care,

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Everyone is Excited…

These past few weeks, and the weeks to come, are much about anticipation. Emmett starts school on November 1st; Riley turns two on October 23rd; and I, Tessa, am on the cusp of a bunch of milestones. And Halloween is right around the corner! Everyday is fun and full of cute, sometimes new things. But soon, a ton of stuff will change.

After a couple of weeks of neanderthal-like behavior, Emmett has calmed down and has settled into his role of the learner. Although he is super smart, he still hasn’t been speaking a lot. But in the past two weeks, or so, he’s been picking up a bunch of new words. Riley is the real talker, and Emmett copies him. I think it makes it easier for Emmett, since he feels he can tell us all what he wants. His favorite is “no, no, no!” He almost never says the word just once. It’s always repeated in triplicate, with a slight Italian accent. Don’t ask, we aren’t sure why. Emmett also now says Riley’s favorite word (poop), but not in conjunction with potty training, which is what Mom and Dad are really hoping for. When he starts school he will be going for four mornings a week, for two and a half hours a day. Lots of learning! And also lot of playing. We all think that he is going to LOVE it!

Riley, we all agree, is a little bit of a show-off. He is clearly very smart. While Emmett watches and figures out how everything is working like a scientist, Riley repeats everything he hears trying to get the laugh. He is very expressive verbally. He will say a word over and over and over until you repeat it for him, thus validating his learning. He still thinks that everyone is poopy and will tell you so. But when asked, Riley do you have poop? He emphatically shakes his head no, even though many times he for sure needs a new diaper. He acts out parts of Finding Nemo and Monsters vs. Aliens, two of Emmett’s favorite movies. He really is quite silly. (He has also just evidenced behavior of a two-year-old. He’s defiant, easily frustrated when he doesn’t get his way, and often mad about it all. We hope this passes quickly.)

While Emmett is poised for a huge leap in his learning, and Riley is becoming more and more of a goon each day, I am quietly making headway through all of my first year milestones. Like Riley before me, I am an army crawler. I am thisclose to crawling, though, that it seems like it could happen at any moment. I am also pulling myself up on things, but not furniture surfing just yet. I am eating like a champ, still, and trying my hardest to talk Mom and Dad into letting me have some solid food. When they feed the boys, or even themselves, I stare at their food longingly. Mom has started giving me thumbtack sized pieces, but I would like more…

We all have our Halloween costumes. Emmett is going to be Spiderman, Riley is going to be a white, spotted dog, and I am going to be a kitten. We are going to wear our costumes to Riley’s birthday party, and then again, of course, on Halloween. We are going to Grandpa Bob’s (or Pop-pop as well all call him) to trick-or-treat. Emmett and Riley have already been practicing. It’s going to be fantastic.

I’ll have Mom post pictures after the 31st, but check out the ones that I just put up. All great.

Talk soon.

Love, T

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Boys-1; Plasma Screen TV-0

Turns out, when you throw a sippy cup-even an empty sippy cup-at a plasma screen TV from roughly 3 feet away, you can break the glass. Did you know that? Well, now we all know that. And we can tell you, Mom and Dad were not very happy to learn that fun fact. Worse yet, it could have been more of a mystery. Not the actual breaking. Just the implement inflicting the damage. But a sippy cup leaves a mark. A small spot of milk from said sippy cup was left behind at the scene of the crime. And so, Mom and Dad had found the blunt object, so to speak.

But that was just the start to a great (said with some level of sarcasm) week. The video baby monitor made its way into the pond, too. By this time, Dad mentioned something to Mom about keeping a tab so that they could be paid back for all of the unnecessary out-of-pocket expenses once we were all old enough to get jobs. We are assuming this was said tongue-in-cheek. At least, we hope so.

The icing on the cake was, well, not really icing at all. Emmett woke up Saturday morning, in a fairly good mood we have to admit, with puke all over his crib. When Mom came into the room, Riley pointed at Emmett and said “Poop.” Two mornings later, after Mom had gotten sick, Dad walked into find Riley pointing at the corner of his crib making a funny face. When he looked closer, he saw that Riley had also gotten sick sometime during the night and was indicating that it was a bad scene. A short time later, Tessa threw up all over herself in her car seat. She was almost literally swimming in it. Riley, who sits next to her in the car, leaned over, pointed at her, and said “Poop.” A little more than 24 hours after that, Dad, himself, was the last to get sick. Although, when he did, everyone else was asleep so there was no one there to point and enlighten him.

On a lighter note, Emmett had learned almost all of the letters of the alphabet, which we are told is a feat for someone so young; Tessa is army crawling all over; and Riley is repeating everything that he hears, and his favorite word is-wait for it-Poop.

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I Am (as always) Fantastic

I was at a party a few weeks ago, and I really wanted a slice of water melon. Not a piece. And not a plate full of pieces. I wanted to eat an entire slice, just the way that my daddy was eating it. So, I got my own slice. And I held it just the way that Dad was holding his slice, and I ate it. I took bite after bite. The watermelon juice was running down my face and staining the front of my shirt a very light pink. And when I was done with my first piece, I had a second one. It was great.

I ended up washing myself off, in a manner of speaking, in the pool that was in the backyard. It was just deep enough to come above my waist, and it was freezing so there weren’t too many other kids playing in it. But I didn’t care how cold it was, I kept splashing and laughing. There was a water gun attached to the side of the pool, with a hose attached to it. After seeing how the older kids aimed the spray at the other children playing in the pool and climbing up the slide on the side of the pool, I waited until the gun was un-manned and I aimed and sprayed the other kids with it. It was so much fun.

Mom and Dad think that I am going to love school because one of my favorite things is to play with other kids regardless of where I am-the park, the neighbors house, anywhere. I tried to follow them when we were at the Aquarium. I ran after them when we were at the Butterfly Pavilion. Even at the supermarket, I watch them run down the aisles and squirm and yell until Mom and Dad let me out of the cart.

I start school in November. Soon, I’ll have to go shopping for a backpack and school supplies. Maybe even some new clothes. I heard Mom and Dad talking the other day saying how they can’t wait for me to carry my backpack into class. They said that I would look so cute. But I want to go to school so that I can paint and color and play. I guess, either way, we are all looking forward to my first day. It’s really not that far off…

Check back in soon,

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