Welcome to the World of Our Four Fantastic Pigs

Pretty (Dirty) in Pink

Hi All!

Guess what? It turns out that Emmett is not the only lover of the color pink in this house! I LOVE pink, too. I prefer to wear pink, and, especially when I sleep, I prefer my jammies to be pink. If given the choice, I will always choose pink. This is very cute, specifically when paired with a little purple barrette. (See new uploaded pictures.) But, unlike Emmett, I like to match my pretty pink colors with… Wait for it… Dirt. I like dirt as much as I like the color pink.

When we are outside playing, I have been known to take an entire fistful of dirt and pop it into my mouth. Now, it’s not what you think. Judging by the faces that I make, I don’t actually enjoy the taste or the texture of the dirt. That does not, however, stop me from doing it again, and again, and again. My nails are the dirtiest nails in the house. And that’s saying something given the fact that Riley loves digging in the dirt and throwing rocks into the pond.

But it isn’t just my nails that are dirty. When I venture into Pica-mode, my face is covered in dirt and pebbles and leaves and even trash. In addition to dirt, I also enjoy tasting rocks, twigs, (clean) baby wipes, sidewalk chalk, paint, crayons… You name it, I put it in my mouth. This may remind you of Emmett, who Mom and Dad say that I resemble the most. But, again unlike Emmett, I wear everything on my tasting menu. It is not uncommon for me to have oatmeal in my hair, crayon in my mouth, and dirt under my fingernails.

But, I pull the look off, believe me. I top off all of that messiness with a pretty pink t-shirt or a cute jumpsuit and people look right past the ick. They see a fantastically cute little girl, with huge blue eyes, chubby cheeks and legs, and an amazing amount of sass. You bet I reel them in.


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Some of you know that I have been a little slow to employ my verbal skills. At first, I wondered why people couldn’t read my mind and figure out what I wanted, like Mom and Dad do. But now that I am in school, I see the value of actually verbally communicating with other people. Mom and Dad love the things that I come up with and how I pronounce them. Here are some examples:

I named my bunny Unny.
I ask for a tiss goodnight.
I copy my Buzz Lightyear figure and say, I come in peas.
Instead of at the table, I prefer eating my meals on the chouch.
When I get ready for school, I put on my pack-pack.
Before we go to bed, Mom, Dad, Riley and I play a game of hide-and-seek meets peek-a-boo, and I call it wheat-a-boos.

Some of these things I am already correcting, but Mom and Dad think that these idiosyncrasies are so cute that they sometimes wish that I didn’t fix them. Like how Riley refers to himself in the third person, “Riley sees big trucks!” They sometimes wish that that would never end.

Check out the new pictures that Mom posted of us playing in the pillow fort. I am getting so big! I have lost most of my baby fat, and I am leaning out into a super, fantastic Pig! Riley too. But, to be honest, Tessa has enough baby fat for all of us right now. (I’m sure she’ll lean out soon, as she’s just started walking, but I’m just saying is all…)

Talk to you all soon,

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Beawies, Please

I love to talk. And it’s not just to hear myself speak. I need validation, so if you don’t repeat what I say, I will keep saying it over, and over, and over, and over until you do repeat me. I will tell you all about the big trucks coming up (big cucks), or the bugs that I find outside (put bugs in bug home?), or how I enjoy picking the berries on the bushes (Riley pick beawies).

I have recently also developed a slightly uncontrollable volume level issue. When we get dressed in the morning, I like to put my own shirt on. Instead of saying, Can I put that shirt on by myself Mom? It usually comes out as “Riley do it himself! Riley do it himself!” Very loud. But when it comes to putting on pants, I usually say “Mama do it herself,” which means I only want Mom to put my pants on. I’m still partial to Mom helping me. Whether it is a diaper change or getting dressed, I will say “No Dada. Mama! Mama!”

I still ask for Cooper. This is more of a declaration, “Coco gone,” than wondering where he is. I will tell strangers that Coco is gone, too. But I am warming up to Tally. I hug her, and I give her kisses. And I say that she had soft fur. She won’t eat food out of my hand the way that Cooper did, and sometimes when she won’t take some food from me, I will throw it at her. But, in general, Tally and I are becoming fast friends.

My favorite thing this week is bugs. I caught some moths and put them into my bug house. I watched them fly (bugs fly!) and when they stopped moving, even just for a second, I will say “Bugs fall down.” We are studying bugs at school, so it is great that I just got a butterfly net and a bug house. When I took my months into school the other day, all the other kids loved to look at them. I think that they are much better than the class hamster. But that’s mostly because I think the hamster is out to get me. I tell Mom about the scary and mean hamster often. She assures me that it is a nice hamster, but I’m not buying it.

Chat soon,

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I am a Scientist…

It took some time with me, but I have turned into a bit of a snuggler. Don’t get me wrong, I am, for sure, a wiggle-worm. I am not a snuggler like Emmett is now or like Riley was when he was smaller. I go in for the fast snuggle-putting my head on Mom or Dad’s chest-then I give a quick kiss, and I’m gone. I’ve got things to do, it’s not like I have time to linger.

I am determined to do what I want, when I want. I have been known to throw myself onto the floor, or even to try to slap someone, if I don’t get my way. I am fairly easily re-directed, but sometimes I have to be put into the other room-in time out-because I just won’t stop doing something. Take, for instance, Riley’s bunny or Emmett’s Toy Story toys. I will grab them when the boys are playing, and then I will run. Then, just to make sure that they get the point, I will look over my shoulder to see if they are chasing me. This, I believe, is great fun. But then they catch up with me. And then it’s not such great fun.

Mom and Dad call me the Bedeviler. But really I am interested in studying cause and effect. I throw something down, someone picks it up. Interesting. I see if I can repeat the experiment. I ask for something and don’t get what I want, I make some noise and see what happens. I am always working from a hypothesis. Mostly that hypothesis is: I will get my way if…

I say “up” all the time, now. I also say “outside” and “pretzel.” When I don’t get one of these things, I throw a fit. If I am in my high chair and I don’t get what I want, I will fling all of the food on my plate to the farthest corners of the room. Mom’s found parts of scrambled eggs in between couch cushions days after I’ve flung them there. Coooper used to love when I did this. Tally likes it too, but not as much as Cooper did.

Well, got to go see what I can get into today…


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We Say Goodbye to Another Great Friend

We are very sad to say goodbye to Cooper, our great friend and wonderful playmate. Cooper passed away last weekend, at the ripe, old age of 12. We will miss his kisses, his snuggles, and his playfulness. Whenever we were running through the house, Cooper-or CooCoo, as we called him-would bark and run right along with us. He loved to clean up after us during mealtimes, and he was sneaky in stealing food right out of our hands, too. Riley especially loved to play with and give hugs to CooCoo.

The house is much quieter now, without our two, biggest fuzzy friends. It has been quite a change in just 10 months. We will miss both Cooper and Arlo, always.

Check out the pictures we posted of Cooper. You may have to search a bit, but you will see that he was always with us, and that is captured in so many of the pictures that we have.

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New Stuff

Emmett is talking more, pleasantly doing things when asked, and being a very nice big brother. Not to say that he was not a wonderful little man before this month, but it seems like he has officially moved beyond the “terrible twos” and he’s gliding nicely into the three’s with a sense of confidence and goodwill. (As Emmett leaves this stage behind, however, Riley has picked up Emmett’s mantle and has run with it.) Emmett has developed a new fondness for all things-Barbie. Both he and Riley love to watch Barbie of Swan Lake, which they were given by their babysitter. And often, a poor choice can be nipped in the bud with an offer of watching Barbie.

We have a new flock of baby chickens in the garage. After an alarmingly high mortality rate during the first few days, we have managed to stay stable at 24 new birds. Riley LOVES the chicks. He enjoys checking on them every few hours. He snuggles them, pets them, and tells them “night-night.” Offering to see the chicks is a great way to lure all of the babies upstairs when it is nap- or bedtime. Tessa says “buck-buck” when asked what sound a chicken makes. And she has also been heard to ask to see the chicks. She is crazy verbal for a one-year-old.

Tessa is walking everywhere. Riley likes to yell, “Tessa is walking!” when she chooses to hoof it on two-feet. (Versus crawling.) her balance is developing nicely. Oddly enough, Emmett is more likely to give her hugs if she is standing. But Riley likes to push her over. He thinks that it is less of an issue if he pushes her over with something, like taking a toy and using it to unbalance her. Regardless, we are working on putting the kabosh on that one…

Riley likes to point things out to everyone. If Daddy yawns, he’ll say “Dada tired.” If he sees a bruise on Mommy’s leg, he’ll say “Mama ouchy knee.” He’s the resident newscaster, keeping everyone in the house up-to-date on the goings on and ensuring that no one misses anything. He has an important job and takes it seriously.

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Treading Water, But in a Good Way

Do you know how sometimes you work and you work, and still you seem to end up in the same place at the end of each day? Sometimes this can be a frustrating thing, and sometimes-if each day, although the same, is a great day-it can be wonderful. Well, we are all mostly having great days. Tessa is walking; I am talking more and more each day; and Riley just started school and is loving it.

Riley and I are playing outside a ton and enjoying the warmer weather. Tessa is also playing outside, but since she’s just starting to walk, she mostly rides in the backpack when everyone goes out. Check out the pictures of Riley and I splashing in the snow melt. We were both mud-balls when all was said-and-done, but we loved every minute of it.

We are getting a new flock of chickens in about 2 weeks, and Riley keeps asking, “Baby chickens?” They’ll live in the garage until they get bigger and until it’s warm enough for them to be moved into the coop, so we are all looking forward to being able to watch and play with them. Just another sign that Spring is on it’s way!

Sorry, there is nothing fantastically funny to report. Everyday high-jinx and wrestling and painting and dressing up and playing outside and exploring. More of the same. Treading water, but in a good way.

Talk soon,

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Tessa Turned One!

Tessa was super-cute in her new, purple tutu. And she dug right into her pink, frosted cupcake! In short, she celebrated her first birthday like a pro. We had the regulars come over to lavish Tessa with love, and she got some wonderful birthday presents. Stuffed animals, a talking soccer ball, a talking book, some clothes, a picnic basket… So many things to play with! Tessa still prefers the tissue paper to the toys being unwrapped, but she is slowly getting into the toys themselves.

We celebrated a day early, and that entire day was about Tessa. She got presents from Mom and Dad that morning, and she got to eat her favorite breakfast-eggs. We all played together around the house before nap: At the chalk board, with our farm animals, downstairs on the trampoline. And then right after nap, everyone showed up to play with us! As was each and every recent birthday, it was great.

Everyone else had a great time too. I was showing off for the guests, as usual. And although Emmett wasn’t feeling too well (we were all just about to get a cold that only now is making it’s final rounds in the family) he enjoyed unwrapping presents and eating cupcakes. Mom and Dad had a good time keeping an eye on us and chatting with everyone. Good times.

Talk to you all soon,

I would like to say, as a post-script, that Tessa does seem to be a bit advanced. She’s getting into her terrible two’s already, is what I am trying to get at. Diva-like behavior took hold right after the party, and although it’s not constant, it is fairly consistent. She’s more demanding than before. And, with a focus that’s kind of creepy, she will not be deterred. Finally, the tantrum that comes when she doesn’t get her way is reminiscent of, well, me! We’ll see what Mom and Dad do to nip this in the bud, so stay tuned…

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New Pictures!

Check out the new pics Mom just added. They are from Mom and Dad’s cell phone cameras, and some are from as far back as this past summer…


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Things I Love: January 2012 Edition

I like to ride on my bicycle and pretend to jump over things in it, lifting the front end and yelling “Boom!.” When I’m doing this, Mom thinks that it looks like I should have a lift, shocks, and some ground effects on my ride. Emmett, Tessa, and I, we all have our own vehicles and we cruise the upstairs hallway in them. (Tessa walks behind her princess car, but Emmett and I ride.) Sometimes there are some pile-ups, but we say “beep-beep” and get moving on our way.

I love to count. I, however, don’t believe in the number seven. My counting to ten goes like this: One, two, three, four, five, six, Mommmy, eight, nine, ten. I got very upset when Mom tried to teach me the number seven. So for now, it’s Mommmy for me.

I love to wrestle with Tessa. Now, for those of you out there that think that she may be too small for this, I will tell you that she is the one that instigates the wrestling. Mommy will corroborate this. Tessa puts down her head and crawls as fast as she can into me, sometimes pushing me over. Then she grabs for my pacifier and steam rolls me until we are both rolling on the floor. Ok: It is true that, from time to time, I start the wrestling by pinning her to the floor when she’s in mid-crawl. But she is an equal opportunist with the face pulling and the hair pulling and the steam rolling. Mom used to tell me to get off of her and to be gentle with her. But now, she only says this when Tessa is standing and I am trying to pull her to the floor by her head.

I love to jump into the pool. Do I love swimming? Not so much. But I am fearless when Mom or Dad is standing in the pool waiting to catch me! Even our swim instructor said that she could tell I was quite a risk-taker.

I’m sure that I’ve mentioned this before, but I LOVE cookies and donuts. Emmett and I had quite the power struggle with Dad when we were learning to behave in the grocery store. Dad would offer a cookie if we behaved, but when we went to the bakery to get it, Emmett and I told him we preferred donuts and we stood our ground. We didn’t actually get donuts (or cookies for that matter) that day at the store, as you can imagine. Now, we are both more flexible with our baked goods requests. And it’s been a few weeks since we’ve been carried, kicking and screaming, out of the store.

Tessa’s birthday party (she’s ONE!) is on Sunday and I’m looking forward to this, as there will be cupcakes and presents. I’ll let you know how it goes…

Riley out

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