Guess what? I got the OK to only wear my circa 19th shoes at night. So, since I am free all day long to go without shoes I have been working super hard on moving my legs around. I am already a rock start when it comes to flapping my arms, and now that I have the added component of my moving legs it looks like I am trying to swim. I;m not sure which stroke that would be. Doggy paddle, I guess.
I am also turning over onto my belly. I’ve done it a couple of times now and the first few times I was smart enough to keep one of my arms underneath me so that it made it easier to flip back over onto my back. But the last time I forgot and I ended up taking a one-way trip to belly-land. Good thing Mom and Dad were there to make the save because I’m not sure how I would have rolled back over without them.
I started talking a ton, too. Because I’ve been so content to hang out quietly up until now, when I started talking Mom thought that I wanted something. Like new pants, or a bottle, or something. But she soon figured out I was just yelling at the stuffed animals hanging from my play-gym. And I also enjoy talking to that guy I see in the mirror. I’m not sure who he is but, I tell you what, he’s one happy man.
I go to the doctor for a checkup on Tuesday, and we’ll see for sure, but I’m pretty certain that I am going to be taller than Emmett. This is only fair because he’s stronger than I am and I am going to need some sort of equalizer when I get a bit bigger and start crawling and stuff.
I’ll let you know how the visit to the doctor goes, but so far I think that I am making some great progress growing up. I can hold up my big head, I am flipping over to my tummy, I grab things and bring them to my mouth to suck on them (learned that one from Emmett). I need to put a bit of chunk into my legs and arms but other than that, Mom and Dad think I’m right on target.
Let you know next week,
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