It took less than a week for me to decide that Tessa is my new favorite toy. I can’t get enough of her.
When I hear her cry, I say her name and point to where she is. When she is on her play-mat on the floor, I crawl over to her at warp speed and I give her kisses. Even if I have my pacifier in my mouth, I will give her pacifier kisses.
I like to point out her eyes and her ears. And I giggle when I hold her little hands.
I will actually wrestle with Mom to get to Tessa. She will try to keep me from putting my fingers in Tessa’s eyes and I will cry and flail my arms and shake my head until I can get to my little sister.
Emmett’s interest in the baby has waned. He likes to help with her. Get her a pacifier or her bottle. But he’s not as eager to give her kisses or to try to play with her as before. Maybe when she gets a bit older and can play back… But he still loves her. I can tell.
Check back next month when I talk more about how much I love animal crackers, walking with my walker, and talking.
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