I would love to say that I am super excited to announce that I have a new little sister… But, to be honest, I am kind of wary of this entire situation. Her name is Tessa Kate and she was born on January 30th, which was only 7 days past her due date. She was 7 pounds 7 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long at birth. A good size little girl… She’s a good eater and sleeper, so Mom and Dad are happy about that. Emmett loves her. Loves to sit and stare at her. Tries to pet her and give her kisses. But I’m not so sure about her.
I admit, I like to smack her. But that isn’t just a thing with Tessa. I smack everyone. It’s great fun. But because she so little, I guess, Mom and Dad don’t want me to smack her. They are trying to teach me the word “gentle” and to not hit her. But really, is this necessary? Shouldn’t she just toughen up? I’m helping her, as I see it. She’ll thank me when she’s a bit older and not such a whiner. (Says the little boy who cries whenever his mom puts him down. Anyway, I’m sure we’ll get to be great friends. She is very cute, I have to say.
On another note, I am so close to walking I can almost taste it! I have been furniture surfing and now I push things around and kind of use them as walkers. Just a few more weeks, maybe, and then I’ll have the strength and coordination to do it without any help! Until then, I crawl mostly on carpet and army crawl on hard floors. I go up stairs and down them. I’m very mobile. Don’t you worry about me…
I’m really quick with language too. I say lots of things. Mostly I am a good repeater, but I do use a bunch of words regularly too. Like doggie. And more. And done. And I like to make sound effect noises and to sing too. I really am a little ham. But in a good way.
So, check back in in a few weeks and I’ll let you know how this having-a-little-sister-thing goes. I’m not excited about sharing Mom and Dad with her. Mostly Mom. But maybe this will be good for me, as I am not a great sharer of anything just yet.
Check out the new pictures we uploaded. There are some really good ones of Emmett and I at the Little Gym and of all of us with Tessa.
Talk soon,
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