Welcome to the World of Our Four Fantastic Pigs

And the Award goes to…

on May 1, 2010

We went in for my 6 month check up last week and I have got to tell you–I am the winner! I gained another ton of weight, so right now I am tipping the scales at just over 17 pounds. (Those of you scoring at home will note that Emmett weighs in at a bit shy of 23 pounds .) I grew a ton more, again, and I now am wearing 12-month-old clothes. The doc asked all these questions about me and after Mom and Dad answered the doctor pronounced me PERFECT. (Like we needed to be told, right?) So I win!

What do I win, you ask? Well, as I already hit the jackpot (you’ve met my big brother, Emmett, I’m guessing), this is just a small token signifying that I eat, sleep, and play at the highest levels. I am a teensy, weensy bit away from crawling. (I roll everywhere and hold myself up on my tummy and kick.) I have taken to solid foods like a champ, if you don’t count that first week where I gagged when the spoon came anywhere near my mouth. I can say Da-da, still no Ma-ma but I’m working on it.

I have this bouncy chair that I love to sit in and bounce like a crazy man. Like I am in a four wheeler and we are climbing some gnarly terrain in Moab. Like I am riding a shock-less bicycle over a washed out, rutted, gravel road. Seriously crazy. At first, Mom was worried that I was going to give myself whiplash. You know, big head and everything. Turns out, all that bouncing really strengthened my neck and core muscles. So, I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.

Except for a cold that the entire family caught and the runny nose that came with it (can you say faucet?), things here have been great. Mom’s been working hard to get Emmett and I on the same sleeping and napping schedule. Ask her how that’s working out for her. Really well, I hope. I never can tell, as I am usually up with her all by myself, and I’m not sure where Emmett is when we’re playing. Any-whoo.

Next week we start working in the garden and trying to contain the wilderness that is our backyard. Maybe we’ll even have some pictures of me helping. Check back in and see.



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